International journal of agriculture and crop sciences
paper title : effect of foliar application of boron and zinc on qualitative and quantitative fruit characteristics of grapevine (vitis vinifera l.)
Rahim Nikkhah, Hoda Nafar , SasanRastgoo, Moslem Dorostkar
Study effect of Guide pier and stepped chamber on flow regime of Morning Glory Spill way
R.Aghamajidi, H.Mousavi jahromi, H.Seghi and H.A.Kashkoi
Effect of different drying methods on the quality and quantity of the essential oil of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis l.)
Mohammad Ghasemi, Mehrdad Jafarpour, Forogh Mortazeinezhad
Salinity stress restraining mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) production: Gateway for genetic improvement
N. Sehrawat, P. K. Jaiwal, M. Yadav, K. V. Bhat, and R. K. Sairam
Comparision Of Genetic Algorithm Models And Ant Colony Optimization For Identify The Relation Between Flow Discharge And Suspended Sediment Load (Ghazaghli Station, Gorganrood, Iran)
omoibani mohamad rezapour
Creating surface soil texture map with indicator kriging technique: A case study of central Iran soils
Khaled zaeri , Sadegh hazbavi , Norair toomanian, jasem toameh zadeh
Evaluation of Drip Irrigation in the Province of Mazandaran of Northern Iran a Case Study on the City of Babol
Nasser Ramzanian Azizi, Esmaeil Yasari and Arash Kakularimi
Effect of drying temperature and final grain moisture content on the hulling and head rice yield efficiency of some common rough rice varieties
Nassim Salehi Babamiri, Ezzatolah Askari Asli-Ardeh
Evaluation Medicinal Plant Powder on Maize Stem borer, Busseola fusca F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Under Laboratory Condition Effect ofdifferent plant powders for their use in a botanical insecticide strategy against Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) under laboratory condition
Tadele Shiberu
Mineralogical and textural characteristics of Onwu floodplain soils, Yala cross river state, Nigeria